It'd be better if it just ignored that string and added the cursor at the end: "()".Īnother helpful feature would be to be able to flag a shortcut to only work when that tag is supported.
if you have a shortcut that expands to "()" therefore "()", and that tag isn't supported in the text input, it currently adds the literal text "". Where isn't supported, it'd be helpful to not inject that part of the expanded text.Į.g. (, v:1.1.0) Kevin O'Connor: where cursor tag not supported, don't inject tag text.() Bilal Saeed: Great work Nic & Gus )).() Neil Benson: I've installed it in my favourite browser, Edge, and tested it out with some of the common phrases I used in LinkedIn messages.() Boon Inn Wang: cannot copy the import in the box// the box is stuck// i want to save a copy after edit.() Abdul Rehman.R1_MBPK: Cannot import the expanders and it is giving error.() Mario Eduardo Muro: It saves a lot of time.() Scott Clegg: Worked great.until I tried to back it up! Am I supposed to leave my computer on all the time or reload the shortcuts every time? Had an older version that worked perfectly.
() Jacqueline Powers: I just spent over an hour adding in 151 words, and when I tried to back up and save the file as directed, it wiped all of them out.() Muhammad Nazim_mbpk: Every time when i refresh the expanders it remove all my expanders there is a glitch i am not satisfied.() Zohaib Saleem_ibexpk: This is something very helpful.() Tenía todos acomodados para escribir, y después de acomodarlos todos la plataforma me los elimino todos, fue lo peor que me paso :(.
I tried to export my shortcuts and lost all my shortcuts!!! () Sanath Naimpally: The import export function does not work.
#Auto text expander for chrom not working full